Sunday, October 17, 2010

The lady Brooklyn B. Loved.

I've seen the lady Brooklyn B, Bella Brooklyn she is to me. I've seen the lady Brooklyn fair as I've seen her strong. Yes, I've seen the lady Brooklyn B; her eyes shining bright, I've rejoiced in her mirth. I've seen the lady Brooklyn B, set free in her fight. The lady Brooklyn B, doesn't know her heart's worth, and that for many she is a delight in just being. As well she is in seeing. For that she is the envy of all she knows; and an honor to her family, through-out the shows of life. Today, I spoke to the lady Brooklyn B, and to my dismay she was in pain. However, she did not allow for rain. I love the lady Brooklyn B. My family and friend, she means the world to myself. Oh, how I wish there were more of her not wanting love put upon a shelf. May it be understood, I know of her not as well as I should, but I've seen the lady Brooklyn B. A part of the greater good. To the lady Brooklyn B: everything's going to work out right, you'll see. Everything's going to be just fine for I am here, and shall be forever-more for the.

The lady Brooklyn B. dedicated to:

Brooklyn A. Baker

All I have to give are these words, I really hope they help in some way.

Note: If the rhythm sounds familiar, I read a lot of Poe. Heavy hearted regards,

your Lone wolf @ Unscripted

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